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Bidding Prayers: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 20th June 2021


We ask you Almighty Father this Father’s Day, to lead us on the paths of truth and goodness as we turn to you in prayer.


On this Day for Life, we pray that all Catholics will work to build a culture where life, in all its vulnerability, is cherished and to promote authentic compassion in the treatment of those who are dying. Lord hear us

For the people of the world, we pray that greater understanding and tolerance will grow and enable us to learn from one another and accept our differences. We ask for grace to avoid condemning and judging others. Lord hear us

On this Day for Life we give thanks for the witness of all prolife organisations who work tirelessly to promote, protect and support life from conception to natural death. May the Lord continue to bless their work and witness. Lord hear us

On this Day for Life, we pray for all those working in health and social care, especially those involved in end-of-life care. We give thanks for their extraordinary dedication and loving care for the sick and dying, particularly during this pandemic. Lord hear us

We pray for all fathers and acknowledge their importance in family life. Let us be thankful for all they do in instilling knowledge and wisdom. We give thanks for hard working fathers and their teaching of love and compassion. May they be blessed with tenderness and courage as they support their children through the challenges of life. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……….. Lord hear us

We ask Mary our blessed mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary………


God our creator, you care for us from the moment of our being, let us know your help always, as we make these and all our prayers through Christ our Lord Amen.