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From the Parish Priest

What shows us the presence of God? In the Biblical world it was miracles signs, which pointed towards the emergence of a new Kingdom, the Kingdom of God. This had been prophesied from of old: it was said that One would come, and also that certain things would be associated with this Messiah which would display the perfection of the Kingdom God wanted to establish. Jesus, in both his preaching and his miracles, proclaims that the Kingdom of God is at hand, in his own person. He fulfils the prophecies of the past, as he displays to the people of his own time, and to us, the nature of Gods Kingdom: in it all diseases and afflictions are abolished: so opening the man's ears and eyes tells us two things: first that Jesus is God, present in our midst, and secondly that he calls us into a Kingdom where all is perfect.

Let us pray this week, for the people of the parish of Christ the Redeemer, Bolton, for Fr. Morrough O’Brien, their parish priest, and their parish primary schools.