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Bidding prayers: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 18th July 2021


Loving Lord, you bless and nurture the seed of faith you planted in our hearts and encouraged it to grow. Today we come before you, conscious of your care for each one of us and bring our prayers with confidence and hope.


We pray for those in leadership in the Church, may they find the support they need to continue to shepherd their parish communities with love and wisdom. Lord hear us

We pray for those throughout the world who are suffering because of poverty and climate change. We remember especially the people of Belgium and Germany suffering because of the recent floods. May world leaders show a true concern for those most in need and support projects that will protect and safeguard the environment we share. Lord hear us

We remember those who are suffering or face an uncertain future because of economic hardship and austerity. Help us to have a true care for those who are most vulnerable in our community. We pray for the continued success of our local food bank in Burnage, may we continue to be generous in our donations and prayers. Lord hear us

We pray for the children making their First Holy Communion today, that they will always know the presence of Jesus in their lives. Lord hear us

We pray for the pupils, teachers and staff of our parish school, and all those who work in education: may their summer break be a time of refreshment and renewal. We remember especially those students awaiting the outcome of assessments and examination results at this time. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……… Lord hear us

We ask Mary our blessed Mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary……………………………..


Heavenly Father, always quick to hear our prayers and forgive our failings, we offer these and all our prayers through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen