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Bidding prayers: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1st August 2021


Confident that our heavenly Father is ready and waiting to respond to our prayers, we offer even those which lie deeply within our hearts and are yet to be put into words.


Let us pray for our Holy Father Pope Francis as he challenges us to act with tenderness towards others. May his leadership inspire and encourage us to respect and cherish our world and its people. Lord in your mercy

We pray for peace in our world: may our diversity be a cause for celebration and unity not division and hate. Lord in your mercy

We remember all those involved in the Olympics and Paralympics and pray that athletes will be kept safe and able to compete. May the Olympic ideals of excellence, respect and friendship inspire young people of every nation to value fair play and respect for others.  Lord in your mercy

We pray for a deeper love and reverence for the presence of Christ among us in the Eucharist. May our community be a celebration of the love and compassion of Christ. Lord in your mercy

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………………… Lord in your mercy

We ask Mary our mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary…………


Loving God, we have received many gifts from you, open our eyes and our hearts to the needs of those around us who suffer for any form of loneliness and neglect. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord Amen