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Bidding Prayers: 1st Sunday of Advent, 29th November 2020


As we begin this Advent season of expectation and hope, we turn to our heavenly Father in prayer.


Let us pray that the Church may be a source of great hope in our troubled world providing spiritual healing for all those who seek help. We pray: Come Lord Jesus come

We pray that leaders of all nations will prioritise the well-being of the vulnerable and voiceless in their care. Help them to act with wisdom and compassion as they seek just solutions. We pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

We pray for our local Christian communities: that we may be committed to the values of the Gospel, encourage one another in faith and be a shining example of integrity to the wider society. We pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

We pray for those who face worry and challenge in their lives, especially the sick. May they always be aware that they are constantly in our prayers and be granted strength and hope. We pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions…. We pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

We ask Mary our mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary…………………


Heavenly Father, as we prepare with joy for the coming of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, we ask you to hear the prayers that we offer you today and ask you to grant them in your love, through Christ our Lord Amen