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Bidding prayers: 24th Sunday, 13th September 2020


Let us bring our prayers to our Father in heaven, who is full of mercy and hope.


We pray for Pope Francis and all church leaders, that they will be sensitive when listening to the needs of the youth of our world. May we actively support our young people and their families through the challenges that lie ahead. Lord hear us

We pray that there will be greater awareness across the world to care for the future of our planet. May we respond to the need to make changes however small that will have a positive impact on our environment. Lord hear us

Today is Education Sunday, we pray for all those involved in education and remember especially our parish primary school as the children and staff overcome the challenges of staying safe.  May we be open to lifelong learning and seek greater knowledge and understanding of God and our world. Lord hear us

We pray for those who are sick and housebound especially those experiencing loneliness and isolation. We pray that they will find the support and strength of Christ in those that care for them and know that they are remembered in our prayers.

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……….. Lord hear us

Let us bring our prayers and needs to our Blessed Mother Mary as we pray; Hail Mary…………………………..


Heavenly Father, hear our prayers and help us to build a world that more faithfully reflects your compassion and love. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord Amen