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Bidding Prayers: 2nd Sunday of Advent, 6th December 2020


We bring the needs of our world to the Father who shepherds us with great tenderness and brings us hope and love.


We pray for the family of God’s Church that we will care for all members with equal respect inspired by his eternal love for us. We Pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

We pray for all leaders and governments and those exercising power and influence: that they will use their authority to bring good news into people’s lives, especially to those living in situations of violence, poverty and illness. We Pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

We remember the homeless and those who will struggle to heat their homes in the winter season: may they receive the support and help they need. We remember especially those who work in the Burnage Foodbank. Help them to respond to the needs of those most vulnerable in our community. We Pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

We pray for our families and personal lives: that we may end arguments and discord and seek ways to promote peace. Grant us courage to make the first steps in resolving conflict. We Pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions…… We Pray: Come Lord Jesus Come

We pray with Mary woman who waited: Hail Mary…………………….


Almighty Father, hear the prayers of all who call on you this Advent and lead us in ways of integrity and peace as we prepare for the coming of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns for ever and ever.