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Bidding prayers: 2nd Sunday of Christmas, 2nd January 2022


Heavenly Father, as 2022 unfolds, we bring all our needs to you confident that you will hear our prayers and accompany us throughout the year ahead.


We pray for our holy father Pope Francis and all religious leaders. We remember especially Archbishop Desmond Tutu and hope that his work will inspire others to build a global community of justice, peace and compassion. We pray: New born King hear our prayer

We pray for leaders in governments and communities across the world. May they cooperate in peace and strive to achieve greater understanding of the real needs of the people they are called to serve. We pray: New born King hear our prayer

We pray that the challenges presented to scientists and medical professionals by the Coronavirus pandemic will continue to be fought with the ongoing development of effective vaccines. We give thanks to all those who have contributed to our safety, well being and health. May they be granted every blessing as they continue their vital work. We pray: New born King hear our prayer

We give thanks for our families and friends and acknowledge the strength and support they bring to us. We remember those who have lost loved ones and pray that the New Year will bring them love and support. We pray: New born King hear our prayer

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………. We pray: New born King hear our prayer

We ask Mary our mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary…………


We ask you Lord to hear our prayers, and trust that your love and compassion will lead us confidently through the unfolding days of the New Year, through Christ our Lord. Amen