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Bidding prayers: 3rd Sunday of Easter, 18th April 2021


Gathered in the presence of our almighty Father, we pray in confidence for the needs of the Church and the world.


We pray for all church leaders: may they call us to be a people of hope, retaining a vision of a just and peaceful world, fit for future generations. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We pray for all Christian communities. As we recognise God’s presence in the breaking and sharing of bread, may our eyes be opened to see the importance of sharing bread with the poorest people in our world. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We pray for those who fear that their sins are beyond forgiveness, help them to recognise the boundless mercy and compassion of our heavenly Father. May we appreciate the sacrament of reconciliation and the power of its healing in our lives. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We pray for decision makers who lead the way as the country emerges from lockdown. May their guidance be governed by wisdom and compassion. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We ask Mary our mother to bring peace and hope into our lives as we pray; Hail Mary…………………………


Almighty Father, in your compassion and love we ask you to hear our prayers and be with us to strengthen and support us each day through your beloved Son, Christ our Lord Amen