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Bidding Prayers: 3rd Sunday of Easter, 26th April 2020


Gathered in the presence of our almighty Father, we pray in confidence for the needs of the Church and the world.


We pray for all Church leaders: may they call us to be a people of hope, retaining a vision for a just, safe and peaceful world. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We pray for governments across the world as they make major decisions affecting the lives of millions of people, that their decision making will be guided by compassion, wisdom and a willingness to recognise and meet the needs of the most vulnerable members of society. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We continue to pray for all those in the NHS, carers and front-line workers supporting the vulnerable at this time. We thank them for their courage and strength. May scientists developing a vaccine be successful in their efforts to control the COVID virus. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We remember all our children and young people whose education is disrupted during this period of isolation and closure of schools and universities. May they make the best of whatever learning opportunities come their way and not lose hope in the future. We pray that their safety and well being will be safeguarded and monitored at this challenging time. Risen Lord, hear our prayer.

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers. Risen Lord, hear our prayer

We ask Mary our Mother to bring peace, healing and hope into our lives as we pray; Hail Mary…………………………………


Almighty Father, in your compassion stay with us. We so need your presence in our hearts, our lives and our battles, through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, who lives and reigns for ever and ever, Amen