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Bidding prayers: 5th Sunday in ordinary time, 7th February 2021


Lord of love you are always patient and merciful. Today we come before you with our needs and prayers, confident that you will hear us.


We pray for our Holy Father Pope Francis that the Lord will bless and strengthen him. May he lead the world towards a greater understanding of mercy and justice especially in places where violence and oppression destroy the daily lives of people. Lord in your mercy

We pray for families during lockdown trying to maintain their job functions whilst supporting their children’s home- school learning. May the Holy Spirit bless them with patience and resilience. We ask that families show appreciation and respect for each other during this time and grow together in love and understanding. Lord in your mercy

We pray for all NHS and frontline workers and volunteers. With so many suffering exhaustion and emotional fatigue having worked tirelessly for months, we ask the Holy Spirit to bless and protect them in all their work. Lord in your mercy

We pray for those who are sick in mind and body, for those weighed down by anxiety, grief or depression: that they may experience the Lord’s healing and comfort and know the peace that only God can give. Lord in your mercy

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions …………………. Lord in your mercy

We ask that the prayers of Our Lady of Lourdes may bring the sick the comfort and healing they need as we pray;  Hail Mary……………..


Heavenly Father, we place all our trust in you and ask you to hear all our prayers and bring us healing and peace, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.