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Bidding Prayers: The Assumption, 15th August 2021


Mary’s assumption promises us a share in the hope of the resurrection; in trust we present our prayers to the Lord who protects and cares for his people.


As we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we pray for our mother Church and for all those within it who work to spread the Good News of the gospel. Lord in your mercy

Mary sang her song of joy; we pray for those who strive for justice and peace. May their work be successful so that poverty and disease may be challenged throughout the world. Lord in your mercy

Mary protected the child in her womb; we pray for the unborn and for respect for the sanctity of human life. Lord in your mercy

Mary trusted in the promise of the Lord; we pray for all mothers. May they like Mary love and protect their children especially in times of difficulty and challenge. Lord in your mercy

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……. Lord in your mercy

We ask Mary our blessed mother to be our constant help and guide as we pray;  Hail Mary……………………….


Heavenly Father we ask you to hear our prayers that we make in faith. May Mary continue to be a sign of hope and comfort for your people throughout their journey. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen