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Bidding Prayers: The Baptism of the Lord, 10th January 2021


As God’s children born of water and the Spirit, let us bring our prayers to the Lord confident that his love will bring healing and reconciliation among all people.


We pray for our holy father Pope Francis that he will continue to lead the church to a richer vision and understanding of mercy and compassion. Lord hear us

We pray that the vaccination role out will run smoothly and effectively. We give thanks to all those involved in the development and administration of this vital initiative. We especially remember all those working in the NHS and providing front line services and care. Help them to be resilient and grant them courage and strength. Lord hear us

We pray that young people across the world will be inspired by great examples of faith to make good choices in their lives and influence decisions that will make a positive impact on their local communities. Lord hear us

We pray for ourselves: that we may respond to God’s invitation to deepen our faith and live out the promises we made in baptism. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions …………………………… Lord hear us

We ask Mary our mother to watch over, guide and protect us as we pray; Hail Mary………………………………


Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the life- changing power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that we will be inspired to live a life which proclaims the Gospels. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen