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Bidding Prayers: Holy Thursday, 1st April 2021


Sisters and brothers like the apostles of old we gather at the table of the Lord and learn the meaning of humble service.


We pray for the Church in every place: a life centred upon Jesus Christ, nourished on his Body and Blood, called to serve in his name. Lord in your mercy

We pray for Pope Francis: committed to Jesus and his Gospel, love for the poor and neglected, honouring the gift of creation. Lord in your mercy

We pray for Bishop John and all priests: prayer before every action, humility in the service of people, love of the Eucharist and the Sacred Scriptures. Lord in your mercy

We pray for the suffering of our world: peace for every place enduring war, hope for refugees everywhere, justice for all the survivors of sexual and physical abuse. Lord in your mercy

We pray for all Christians: hearts of mercy, passion for justice, devotion in prayer. Lord in your mercy

We ask the help and prayers of Our Lady of Sorrows: Hail Mary…..


Father, we pray for the community of the Church. and the priests called to serve, that the Eucharist will be the source and centre of our Christian lives. Through Christ our Lord. Amen