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Bidding Prayers: Pentecost Sunday, 28th May 2023


Heavenly Father, rejoicing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, fill us with joy and peace as we place all our trust in you and offer our prayers with confidence.


We pray that the gift of wisdom will guide Pope Francis and all church leaders as they inspire hope and courage to a world which must rebuild communities faced with challenges from climate change and military conflict. We pray, Come Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth

We pray for peace throughout the world, that the prayer of Christ after the Resurrection ”Peace be with you” may become a reality in our time for all people, regardless of their race or culture. We pray, Come Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth

We pray that the gift of hope will touch the hearts of all that have experienced loss whether it takes the form of bereavement, loneliness or job insecurity. May people find encouragement and support as they rebuild their lives. We pray, Come Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth

We pray that the Holy Spirit will brighten the darkness in our lives and fill us with healing and the joy of knowing God’s presence. We pray, Come Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and those presented today in our Parish Book of Intentions…………… We pray, Come Holy Spirit renew the face of the earth

We ask Mary of the Upper Room to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary……


May the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, O Lord, fill our hearts with love so that we may reach out and bring all people into God’s family throughout the world, we ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen