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Bidding prayers: Remembrance Sunday, 8th November 2020


On this Remembrance Sunday when our thoughts particularly focus on all those who died as a result of modern warfare, we pray together, knowing that God alone can bring peace and heal the wounds of battle.


We pray that we may learn to place our trust in God especially at times of distress and crisis and through this recognise the needs of others and the practical support we can offer to others in our community. Lord in your mercy

We pray for all who have given their lives in the wars of the twentieth century and in more recent conflicts: may their memory inspire us always to work for peace. Lord in your mercy

We pray for all those who serve in our armed forces and emergency services and their families. May they find the courage, sensitivity, support and strength they need in the challenges they face on our behalf. Lord in your mercy

Let us remember our relatives and friends who laid down their lives for the many so that others might live in peace and security. Grant them eternal rest and healing for those who mourn their loss. Lord in your mercy

Let us pause for a moment I silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions…………… Lord in your mercy

In this month of November, we remember the Holy Souls and ask Mary our mother to join our prayers for those we have known and loved as we say; Hail Mary…………………………………..


Lord our God on this Remembrance Sunday, we remember with love and gratitude those who “gave their today for our tomorrow.”: Through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace who lives for ever and ever. Amen