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Bidding Prayers: Trinity Sunday, 30th May 2021


As we remember God’s great love for us, we are assured of His powerful and living presence among us. Let us ask for God’s help and healing in all that concerns us.


We pray for the leaders of our Church: that they may be inspired to build up a community that truly reflects the communion of love at the heart of the Trinity. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We remember all those situations in our world where God’s love is not easy to see or know, places of suffering, cruelty, sickness and war. May the power of God’s love become more vividly known through works of healing, peace -making and kindness. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We pray that all our relationships be modelled on the loving community of the Blessed Trinity. We ask especially for support and healing where there is discord and challenge in our homes and places of work. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We pray for all those who share in Christ’s sufferings in any way, especially those who are sick and those who like Christ faced rejection and violence. Help them to receive the support they need and may their dignity as God’s children always be respected. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions……… Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We ask Mary our blessed mother to watch and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary…………


Father you have called us to the fullness of life in you and to share in your mission of hope and salvation for the world. We place our trust in you and thank you for the gift of the Spirit and your unfailing love and compassion shown through your Son Jesus Christ who lives for ever and ever. Amen