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Day Eighty seven: Monday 15th June 2020

Were you able to form a family Bubble over the weekend? Some families found it very difficult with different family members here and there and so stayed put. However what we have confirmed over the last few weeks is that “no man is an island” really is true; the general need for human company and the desire to talk to people face to face has really shone through, we’ve seen this through our Rosary Bubble! However I still worry about people when you see the queues outside Primark and other major stores, some people having waited through the night; and yet others storming the sports good entrances to be the first in. Selfishness can get in the way of good manners and order, amazingly it was not toilet rolls this time, but a reliable source as reported in many cases it was tea towels and egg cups! I wonder in the clamour and excitement, did anybody actually notice the people they were shopping along side, is it really that easy to forget the difficulties individuals have faced for the sake of a mad shop? The key is to keep rooted in the real world, with real people, real friends, for they are “the ones” God has given us and together with God’s help will keep us sane and help get us through the next stage. In the mean time does anyone want to buy any egg cups!!!!!!!