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Day Fifty four: Wednesday 13th May 2020

Thank you to all those who have been responding to the notice about banking in last week’s Newsletter, you are all brilliant. The great blessing to us was taking the bold step of changing the heating system in Church, which yet again was a result of you massive generosity. The last bill under the old system, when it was almost impossible to detect heat was nearly £13000, under the new system it is around £3000, what a difference! It had been my hope to start saving for “the Rainey day fund” this year, but we will have to see how things turn out. It looks like we are moving toward opening the Churches again for private visits, and as you will see in next weekend’s newsletter the Bishops are trying to work things out with the Government. Because of social distancing it may mean we have to add Masses to get people in; your favourite place may be out of order! The most important thing is keep well and healthy, don’t be giving up or taking unnecessary risks, St Bernard’s would not be the same without you. Hopefully it won’t be long till we can admire each other’s style and smiles, in the mean time please keep the prayers going. Thank you.