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Day One hundred & seventy five: Friday 11th September 2020

Today the anniversary of 9/11 comes around, a moment that gripped the whole World, one of those moments when people can usually remember where they were and what they were doing when it occurred. The death and destruction at the heart of one of the Great Cities of the World was indeed shocking, and many have died since as a result of the after affects from the disaster. Yet from this tragedy came and still come many stories of bravery and of people going beyond the call of duty to help and support, to encourage and affirm. I think we are going to need a similar attitude to battle the Corona Virus, and people have got to be brave, we have already witnessed the self sacrifice of many in the Health Service, now is the time for others to step up and as new cases of the Virus increase it is important for people to rediscover the meaning of sacrifice for the sake of others.