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Day One hundred & thirty one: Wednesday 29th July 2020

At the heart of the Church is the Blessed Sacrament, the most incredible gift that has been given to us. That the Lord wished to make himself present in our lives through this wonderful Sacrament is truly marvellous. At the centre of our sight lines in our Church is the Tabernacle where the Sacrament is kept; because we hold Christ’s presence so dear is the reason we genuflect or bow on coming into His presence. To receive Jesus in Holy Communion is so wonderful, food for the journey, food for the soul, the presence of the most Holy One in our lives, we become a walking Tabernacle, we carry the maker of the World with us. Our lives are truly Blessed, and for one moment we are caught up in heaven and feel and know the presence of the Lord who is always with us, yes to the end of time. That is why we can say and sing,

“O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine all Praise and all Thanksgiving be every moment thine”