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Day Three hundred and forty five: Sunday 28th February 2021

Today we hear the account of the Transfiguration in the Gospel, I always find it such an incredible event, and can understand the amazement of the three disciples Jesus took with him. Mount Tabor is the traditional site of the event, and over the years it has become my favourite site to visit in the Holy Land. The view from the top is wonderful, and I have also been there when the view has been obscured by low lying cloud. It is a mystical place and you half expect to hear God’s voice sounding through the clouds! But in a more wonderful way, you hear His voice whispering to you while you are there, reminding you that Jesus is the Word of God, and giving us the ancient command, “to listen to him”; you can do nothing else but do that in such a marvellous, prayerful place. Great to know and especially in Lent, that each of our homes is like Mount Tabor, for it is in our homes that we need to listen to the voice of Jesus talking to us.