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Day Three hundred and thirty three: Tuesday 16th February 2021

Pancake Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, Carnival Tuesday all come together today and sadly this year many of the Outdoor celebrations will not be able to go on. Perhaps in a special way we are being drawn back into contemplating what this day means as we prepare for the rigours of Lent. Traditionally it was a day when all the excess of food that was left in the pantry was eaten and shared, as most people did not at meat or sweet things in Lent, and in fact fasted excessively. One of the great strengths of the Spiritual life is to get the balance right between the spiritual and the material, to reboot our prayer life, and perhaps share our material wealth. Some Sisters I know have a day in the year when they look in their wardrobes and if they see a piece of clothing or other items they have not used during the year, share them with the Community or give them away; not a bad idea! Lent is about getting the balance right.