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Day Three hundred and twenty seven: Wednesday 10th February 2021

Today is my Granddad’s anniversary; he has been dead now almost 50 years. He used to take me to see United and what fun we had, loaded with flasks and muffins, and sweets, off we would go in very good time and there we would see the likes of Bobby, Denis, George and Nobby and once towards the end of his career the great Sir Stanley Mathews. Happy days! I remember the kindest and most generous of men, one who had been buried alive twice down the pit, and then worked 25 years in the steel mill. These days when you look at our photo’s you would think we were twins. I just thought that it is a good and wholesome thing to remember our past family members, for a little of them lives on in us, and as they gave us so much it is not asking too much for us to remember them with affection and more importantly in our prayers and in Holy Mass. Thank you Lord for such a gift.