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Day Two hundred and four: Saturday 10th October 2020

Just taking a moment to recognise the fact that there are some within our Parish Family and Community, who suffer from mental illness and as we have just celebrated Mental Health Day, it is important to recognise that ALL together we are one Family. It is easy not to talk about these things, but if you are a sufferer or a family who are coping with a situation you need to know you are not on your own, you have good friends in us, if we can help or support in any way please ask. Has you have heard me say on many occasions it is a very fine line between having a healthy mental life and one where you just may be a toe over the line when a little help and support at that time, may mean the difference. Let’s take away the stigma that is attached to mental health and have the courage to be open and honest about it and encourage those affected to so the same.