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Day Two hundred and thirty three: Sunday 8th November 2020

Remembrance Sunday. The solemnity of the day is guided by tradition, it all has to run with military precision, from the striking of Big Ben, the arrival of the Queen, the laying of the wreathes, the last post, the firing of the gun, and this year the ghosted march past of the Veterans. Its simple yet grabs the Nation. We feel the pride, the thanksgiving, and the remembrance and in this National liturgical gathering, we honour the fallen. Usually there are many little such gatherings all around the Country, but Covid has put everything on hold this year. I just wonder is this the year when we remember privately and in a wonderful way are connected with the wives and husbands and families of departed military personnel who are still mourning and feeling the rawness of the loss of a loved one? And are we saying, you too will not be forgotten?