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Day Two hundred and twenty five: Saturday 31st October 2020

When I was a child the 31st October meant nothing, we were all getting excited about Bonfire night, building the bonfire, looking for wood, raiding others collections at night, there was a whole tradition surrounding it. On the night of the 5th, the whole lane would turn out, young and old. Parkin and treacle toffee were passed round and as the night wore on, great pans of “Tatter hash” were brought out, and everyone had an old tin plate to fill, oh I can taste it now. All the accumulated rubbish that had to be got rid of went up in smoke, and the following day the ashes went on various gardens and in green houses! It was real community, happy days! Now I notice that people and kids dress up and “trick a treat” and enter into the world of fantasy and make belief usually at great expense! I ask myself am I getting old and nostalgic or am I remembering a time when community was family and no one was left out, I wonder?