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Bidding Prayers: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 11th September 2022


Let us bring our prayers with confidence to God our Father, who is full of mercy and hope.


We pray for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We give thanks for the devoted care and service she has given to her country. May the peace and stability she worked so hard to preserve be continued into the future of our land.  May God grant her eternal rest. Lord hear us

We pray for the Royal Family. May they find the courage and strength they need to be united and supportive of each other during this difficult time. Lord Hear us

We pray for the people of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the many millions of people whose lives have been touched by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. May her duty and care inspire other leaders to be steadfast in their rule, upholding the highest standards of integrity, justice and honour. Lord hear us

We pray for His Majesty King Charles III. We ask for God’s blessing and protection over him as he faces new responsibilities during this period of challenge and change. Grant him wisdom and understanding to carry out his duties with love and care for people of all faiths and social background.  Lord hear us

We remember on the anniversary of 9-11, all victims of terrorism, violence, hatred and intolerance: that the dead may have eternal life, the injured healing and the bereaved comfort. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions………………. Lord Hear us

Let us bring our prayers to our Blessed Mother Mary as we pray; Hail Mary…………………


Heavenly Father, we ask you to hear our prayers and help us to build a world that more faithfully reflects your compassion and love. We make our prayers through Christ our Lord  Amen