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Bidding Prayers: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary time, 15th January 2023


Let us ask God our Father to hear our prayers as we strive to follow Jesus in the path of holiness, to work for God’s kingdom of love, justice and peace.


We pray for our Bishop John and the priests of the diocese that the spirit of the Lord will always be with them to strengthen them in their decision making and leadership. May they inspire others by their example to live in harmony with respect for all. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We remember communities throughout the world torn apart by warfare, violence and natural disasters. We pray that they will receive the support and resources needed to rebuild their lives. May they gain strength and resilience knowing that God’s love and compassion will guide and help them. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We pray for those who are decision makers in our community, who must make difficult choices on behalf of others. Bless them with discernment and courage so that those in their care might experience hope, insight and trust. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We remember all children who are unable to live within loving families, for those in care, detention centres and the homeless. We pray that those in authority may discharge their duties with compassion and love enabling these young people to have improved life chances, safety, and hope for the future. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and those presented today in our Parish Book of Intentions…………….. Lord in your mercy hear our prayer

We ask Mary our mother to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary………


Heavenly Father, who sent his only son Jesus Christ to bring your message of salvation and peace to the world, we offer these prayers in His name, who lives and reigns forever and ever  Amen