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Bidding Prayers: Feast of All Saints, 1st November 2020


As we begin the month of November, we celebrate living saints and also those who have gone before us. We remember that we are all united in our Fathers eternal love as we bring our prayers before Him.


We pray that we may be a truly living Church, proclaiming the word of God inspired by the beatitudes and the lives of the saints: may we encounter the love of Christ and share it in a practical way. Lord hear us

We pray for the world and all those who work towards justice and peace that true and lasting values may provide a foundation for harmony between peoples and nations. May we all play our part in establishing Christ’s kingdom on earth. Lord hear us

We pray for Christians living in countries where persecution is widespread. May their faith be strengthened and grant them courage to stand in their belief. Inspire our own faith and love of God by their example. Lord hear us

We remember those members of our local community requiring additional support: help us to recognise their needs and respond generously. May we continue to show our concern and practical support for the Burnage Foodbank especially as we approach the winter season. Lord hear us

Let us pause for a moment in silence as we bring to the Lord our personal prayers and intentions, remembering especially the Church in Nice………………………. Lord hear us

We ask our blessed mother Mary together with all the saints to watch over and guide us as we pray; Hail Mary……………………………………


Heavenly Father, help us to do your will, finding happiness and fulfilment in serving our sisters and brothers through Christ Our Lord. Amen