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Day Eighty: Monday 8th June 2020

Well we had the meeting with the Diocesan Representative today who was very impressed with our Parish Teams presentation, which only needed a little tweak, so thank you to them for undertaking this task. We now wait for the go ahead before we can start the process of opening the Church initially for private prayer. This opening will be done on a limited basis at first, so for instance a couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday, midweek and an evening for a few hours. We will need Stewards to help facilitate this and who will prepare and clean the Church when necessary; such stewards must not have ongoing health problems or be 70+. Tomorrow, Tuesday, you will be able to volunteer if you feel able: details will be on the web page. This is a step in the right direction, but we must also be aware that the North West is one of the most virulent areas for the Corona Virus, and the health, wellbeing and safety of our Parish Family members is paramount. Bishop John’s motto is ever more relevant, “Stay with us on our journey.”