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Day Seventy nine: Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020

Trinity Sunday when I was a lad was the day you took the chara and went to Blackpool, you spent your first couple of hours there going around attempting to secure lodgings for the Wakes Holiday, then a walk on the pier, fish and chips, shops and then the Pleasure Beach and then home, dreaming on the chara about the Summer: Funny how it all came together, without emails, mobiles, twitter or Facebook and not even Zoom. Everything was done face to face, people to people and it was the warmth of the welcome that assured the booking. Well the Holy Trinity is a Mystery, that all comes together beautifully and gives us an incredible presence in our lives. We are Baptized in the name of the Trinity, and each day when we make the sign of the Cross we give glory to God: each day we attempt to live the life of the Trinity and sometimes at the most unexpected times we feel the Trinity’s warmth and accompaniment; and our goal in life is to see God Face to Face. Exciting isn’t it? Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.