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Day Five: Wednesday 25th March 2020

Today we celebrate the Annunciation; the message of the Angel brings joy and Mary’s response hope. The Word made Flesh among us, is a great encouragement in these times. You see the Virus is an intruder in our lives; it is draining our strength and our hope, its emptying us of our dignity and for some robbing them of their health, and even life. That is why today’s feast is so important for us, for when all seemed lost and hopeless God sent His Son into our World, to bring us Good News, to renew our hope, confirm us in faith and to lavish love upon us. We are not alone, like at Emmaus he walks beside us, we just need eyes to see him. And if you want to see evidence of Christ alive in the world, just look at our wonderful health service and the incredible numbers of volunteers who have put themselves forward to help: hold them in prayer please.