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Day Forty nine: Friday 8th May 2020, 75th VE Day Celebration

75 years on from what must have been a tremendous joyful celebration, when the whole Country could take a breath and come out the other side free and at peace. The Queen gave a remarkable address and acknowledged the love that is sweeping our country, as each day we are being amazed at the courage of so many and their unselfish dedication to service and healing. That in itself helps us to keep going even when stupid, greedy, selfish people rob a warehouse of equipment which was destined for the NHS. This cannot take away the joy amidst so much suffering that giving is far better than receiving, for so many are giving gifts that they did not know they had, and we are all the better for it: that is why there is so much love around at this time for once we are not taking people for granted and Thank you  is back on the menu.