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Day Forty two: Friday 1st May 2020

St Joseph the Worker day today; St Joseph knew about service and his example shines throughout the years, thank you for such a great Saint. Pope Francis writes this today which is far more eloquent than I can be today: “Jesus is alive.  Jesus loves me. This is the greatest reality.  And I can do something for others.  It’s a beautiful reality: positive, sunny and beautiful!  Yes, the Lord is alive; He walks with us.  Yes, now, not tomorrow, we set out again to proclaim him.  Yes, I can do something so that people are happier, so that people are better, to help many people.  Yes, yes, I can.  When we complain we are not joyful; we are in a grey mood, that grey air of sadness. And this doesn’t help or make us grow well.  Let’s move from complaining to the joy of service.”