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Day One hundred & forty six: Thursday 13th August 2020

The end of a few very long days that saw over 100 applicants whittled down to 19 interviewees and eventually 7 exciting new appointments for School plus a new site manager was very welcome. I am sure that Mrs Breeze our new head will be delighted with these new members of her team and more so because they bring with them some outstanding gifts and interests which will really enhance the lives of our children and their families. The amount of applicants really brings home the message of the knock on effects of the Coronavirus; one candidate told us that there had been 160 applicants for one teaching job! As we begin to recover from the health side of the Virus we must not forget the mental well being of people and also the risk of unemployment for many, let alone the tragedy unfolding today of the A level results which has brought many a heart break. Being aware of others is important and doing all we can to build up each other’s well being and self esteem should be at the heart of our Christian calling.