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Day One hundred & sixteen: Tuesday 14th July 2020

We hope to restart Baptisms in the next few weeks. We will only baptize one child at a time unless there is a sibling. Attendance is restricted to the candidate, parents and God parents of which there should be no more than two. The Baptism party in total can be no more than thirty people and strict social distancing rules must be followed. For the foreseeable future a shawl will not be needed. If you have had a Baptism postponed you should now contact Annie or Janice using the Parish website on: baptismstbernards [at] (baptismstbernards[at]gmail[dot]com)   to secure a new date; if you wish to arrange a Baptism then contact as above. We have 13 outstanding Baptisms and we hope to arrange them over the Summer months. Arrangements for social distancing at St Bernard’s can be found on the web site.