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Day One hundred & seventeen: Wednesday 15th July 2020

The Sacrament of Reconciliation: this Saturday after the 12 Noon Mass there will be an opportunity to go to Confession. After Mass I will go into the Confessional, you will find that you will need to remain standing, as the kneeler and chair will have been taken away to help maintain social distancing. Nearby there will be wipes so that after Confession you can clean the door handles, for the next person to enter. It may be that a number of people may be waiting, so please keep that in mind as you come to receive the Sacrament. Beforehand remember to keep to our social distance guidelines and spend time examining your conscience, and be as crisp as possible when sharing in the confessional, as others who have missed the Sacrament like you will be waiting. May the Lord give you the forgiveness, grace and love that only he can give.