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Day One hundred & thirty eight: Wednesday 5th August 2020

Just imagine sitting down watching a film, when suddenly the peace of the moment is disturbed by an unexpected visit, from a mouse! I know there has been an epidemic of mice in the area, and even in the cellar but upstairs, no thank you. I have been hearing noises from the Edwardian sideboard but little did I think it was my unexpected guest. Well, now let battle commence, the moment is now and eviction is on my mind. War room strategy is the topic of the day, temptation and how to lead it in to, is being discussed. Sky are sending cameras and their wartime reporter to cover it and other channels are bidding for spots behind the settee; the Parish Priest will speak from Burnage Lane on Friday at 6pm, standby. To quote Sylvester the Cat, “I hate meeces to peeces.”