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Day One hundred & thirty nine: Thursday 6th August 2020

Today we celebrate The Transfiguration, one of those wonderful affirming moments in the Gospel when we are given a glimpse of the glory that will be ours. On visiting the Holy Land my most favourite place to visit is the mount of the Transfiguration and the Crusader like Church with its most wonderful mosaic telling the story. Entering into the moment there certainly gives you a feeling of the majesty and glory of God. Sadly today also marks the 75th anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima soon to be followed by another on Nagasaki, the most Catholic City in Asia. The obsession of wanting to make better and more powerful weapons seems to be obscene in a World which is not only fighting a Pandemic, but poverty, hunger and thirst, and movement of people which has not been seen like this before. Surely we can see the needs of so many: many who are in poor positions because gifted money is being spent by some politicians on weapons and self indulgence; for many poor people around the world the Bomb fell yesterday and continues every day. That is why we all need to be Transfigured and with Jesus become the Beloved who know how to love those who the world thinks are unlovable.