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Day One hundred & twenty four: Wednesday 22nd July 2020

One of the most disturbing statistics of the lock down is recorded violence. They say that domestic violence is up, because of lockdown and families having to spend so much time with each other, tensions rise and confinement can bring the worse out of us. Disturbing as that is the amount of street violence and especially between young people is frightening: the use of knives has become an everyday event, and this week news comes of three young teenagers being shot. This is a hard thing to solve especially in some areas where rogue gangs seem to rule the roost. I know all kinds of schemes have been tried some have been very successful, but educating young people that knife culture is not the be all and end all of things, and running with gangs is not the coolest trend to be involved with at times can be very frustrating. Can I therefore commend to you “The forgiveness project” run by the Mizen family which was set up when their son Jimmy was murdered, amidst so much sadness this project will lift your spirit and show you the impossible can happen, when good people don’t let the others drive the agenda. Give it a go, look it up on the internet; there you will see how God really does move in wonderful ways.