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Day Sixty eight: Wednesday 27th May 2020

I was sat in the Garden yesterday thinking whatever happened to all those toilet rolls? I believe that a third of the food that was initially bought was thrown away unopened. Panic is very infectious and when you think the stampede on toilet rolls was started because two people in the USA bought a catering pack each and others saw this, then you realise how easy it is for 2+2 to make whatever you want it to be. Excess always leads to more, and more leads to you have it I want it and this in turn leads to madness and selfishness. That is why it is important for us to be sensible and responsible, to act not only in our own interests but in the interests of others. Don’t let the time we have spent in isolation lead to an increase of greed, but rather to a spirit of community, support, affirmation. Time will tell, and in three years time when you open your kitchen cupboard and you see those six packets of flour and you wonder why on earth did I buy them? May the peace of Christ calm your anxiety and fears.