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Day Three hundred and sixteen: Saturday 30th January 2021

"There is the question of vaccines and medical care in general, which risks excluding the poorer peoples. Who would keep us informed about the long wait for treatment in the poverty-stricken villages of Asia, Latin America and Africa? Social and economic differences on the global level risk dictating the order of distribution of anti-Covid vaccines, with the poor always at the end of the line and the right to universal health care affirmed in principle, but stripped of real effect. Yet even in the world of the more fortunate, the social tragedy of families rapidly slipping into poverty remains largely hidden; people who are no longer ashamed to wait in line before charitable organizations in order to receive a package of provisions do not tend to make news… Digital technology gives us the possibility of timely first-hand information that is often quite useful… It is a powerful tool, which demands that all of us be responsible as users and consumers."

Pope Francis