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Day Three hundred and twenty three: Saturday 6th February 2021

Today is Munich Day when we remember the Busby Babes and the other victims of that tragic day. It is a day which is fixed in the minds of United fans and many other football fans. The loss of so many young lives and their enormous potential was truly dreadful; many think England would have won the World Cup earlier if some of these players had lived. But let me also mention the many young people we lose each year through the abuse of drugs or alcohol and other substances and also the many young people who commit suicide and others who are driven to it by social media, each one is a tragedy, each one finds a family in mourning, each one is a potential lost to our community. As we mourn the Busby Babes, in their memory let us do all we can to support young people, let us be ears waiting to listen, friends ready to hug them, and family who want the best for them.