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Day Eighty three: Thursday 11th June 2020

I notice that at lot of decisions these days are made not by thinking things through and planning, but by reaction. There is always a need to step away for a moment before moving ahead and make sure everything is in place especially when there is disquiet. Suddenly we have a lot of angry people, and rightly so, wanting to pull statues down all over the place, the press tells us there is a hit list. Before we do this we need to take a step back and have a conversation when we are calm and less angry, so that the decision that is made is owned by the whole community and not just by a few. This allows the few to speak and inform so that it is no longer about winners and losers but about all of us being involved in the right decision. I am minded that in Russia after the modern revolution they pulled down all the images of Lenin, Marx and Stalin they could get their hands on as people’s anger boiled over. During the last ten years they have slowly been putting them back, because they worked out in time that this was their history they needed to mark it, the younger generation needed to ask who were they, what had they done? so that they would not follow in the same way. I am not belittling the pain and anguish felt by many in our Community, but I want racism to be dealt with once and for all and not to be hidden away underground again. God made us all equal; humankind has spent a lot of time denying that, we cannot have a society “Where all men and women are equal but some are more equal than others.”