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Day Sixty one: Wednesday 20th May 2020

I wonder what would Hamlet have said today, “To mask or not to mask, that is the question?” I don’t know about you but I have had loads of offers for masks and more importantly designer masks. Where most masks are under a pound, you can get them for up to £20 and even more. I saw an advert for a matching bikini and mask, for goodness sake are we going mask, sorry mad? I think the vast majority of people are sensible and there are times when we are gathered in shops, transport etc., when it would be very appropriate to wear a mask; and particularly if you feel vulnerable or threatened by a situation. There are also many clips on the internet showing how to make a homemade mask from material at home. So don’t waste your money on what is expensive and unnecessary but save it to give yourself a well deserved treat at the end of yet another lockdown week.