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Day Eighty five: Saturday 13th June 2020

Correct me if I am wrong was it in May that the country took a great sigh and despite the Corona Virus celebrated VE Day, and that at the heart of the celebration was praise and thanks for Sir Winston Churchill and his ability to lead this country to freedom and victory. If that is so am I in a time warp or has the Corona-virus lockdown sent us all completely mad?  Is it true that some want to remove his statue from Parliament square because he was a colonialist, if that is so we may as well remove every single statesmen’s statue of the nineteenth and twentieth century’s and beyond. We can sit in judgement today, but we cannot live in their times; their world was very different. Hindsight is wonderful but we cannot relive history, however we can endeavour to understand it, learn about it, learn from it and more importantly make sure that when we know the facts, understand the world of that time, we can ensure that our generation don’t make the same mistakes or judgements in our time. There is a modern day heresy that history has to be judged from our perspective here and now but you can only do this when you strike a balance and understand the here and now of each historical event as it happened and when it happened; legitimate anger and upset, political opportunism will not enable us to make the change but rather cause division and history is full of such events when progress was intended and the status quo held firm.