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Day Ninety: Thursday 18th June 2020

Sad news today that Dame Vera Lynn has died she really was an authentic icon that most people could relate to, I remember many fond stories being told about her when I was for a time chaplain to the Desert Rats, of her visits to our troops all over the world. Being a star did not make her aloof, she maintained the common touch, and was always delighted to be with the Veterans. She appeared to be a normal person, who did things well and without doubt put herself in danger to be with “the boys”. Her music resonated throughout our Country and continued to do so until her death, even Her Majesty the Queen seemed to quote her in that memorable Corona virus address. I think we can say she really did her duty, by being the best she could be no matter what the circumstances may be and she did not let fame get in the way of being a real authentic person. There is a lesson to be learned here: her generation teach us about duty, respect, remembrance, honouring sacrifice, and constantly working for freedom and equality for all: All lessons that our generation should value and promote in order to be a better society. No doubt there must have been “Blue Birds over the White Cliffs of Dover” today, and as with all our loved ones who have died our hope is that “Well meet again. “