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Day One hundred: Sunday 28th June 2020, Ss Peter & Paul

So all the clever clogs who have congregated in great numbers on the streets, beachs, parks, etc have really got to sit down and take a minute. The news is full of reports of a second spike of this dreaded virus coming back to areas they thought were past it. Parts of the USA are now worse than before, Australia are dealing with new major outbreaks and parts of Germany and other parts of Europe are in lockdown again. I know and understand that social distancing is a pain and the good weather we have been having a temptation: I am just hoping the recent wet weather will cool us all down. The good old fashioned Christian virtue is required more than ever, that is “to love your neighbour” and the best way to this is not allowing this virus to come round again, for this time it may be our family member who is affected, and worse still you. The suffering we have witnessed over the past few months should be a reminder of what can be and the exhaustion and sacrifice of our wonderful NHS and carers should be the catalyst for us not to be daft and take risks.