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Day One hundred & two: Tuesday 30th June 2020

Today we say goodbye to the Month of the Sacred Heart, a month where the Church wants to draw us closer to the love of the Lord. Yes, each day is a day to know the Lord better, but the great devotion to the Sacred Heart, raises the stakes a little for us in our busy year and helps us focus on something truly beautiful. Many people who have a naïve view of God, see him as being vengeful, angry and trying to trip us up whenever he can: a God who always seems to want to say, “I told you so”. People are quiet happy to have this view because it allows them to be “ducking and diving” and hoping for the best. Whereas the Sacred Heart reminds us that God sent his only Son into the World to teach us how to love and for us to know that we are loved just as we are. There is a big difference to life when you don’t spend it just existing and seeing what turns up, but rather living it in full, excepting all that life brings loving it and knowing that you are loved.